Matt Rakowski
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Using great pictures is the key to making a stellar first impression and communicating how effectively your business solves its customer’s needs.

Visitors to your website expect to see high-quality images used in connection with arresting copy which visually explains what your brand does.

Using a professional photographer isn’t cheap—but it’s far less costly than the business you’ll lose by having sub-standard pictures on your website and marketing materials.

There is a place for mobile phone photography, specifically some social media posts and news stories which lean well to a candid, reportage feel. But, sales orientated content requires professional photography—otherwise you’re sending a message to prospective customers that a second-class solution is acceptable.

I have almost 20 years professional experience as a photographer—working in the fields of live music, news and sport, conferences, exhibitions and a wide range of other live events. Additionally, I have worked with numerous models and influencers, creating portraiture to help them grow their business or develop their personal brand.

To see examples of my photography, visit the gallery pages or follow me on Instagram.

As with writing, photography is more than just something I do for a job—it’s also a hobby outside work. Over the past few years I’ve taken up drone photography, which adds another dimension to my capabilities. Being an innovator, I’m always looking for better ways of doing things, drone photography opened up many more possibilities. Rather than be limited to a handful of perspectives, the mobility of a drone allows for virtually unlimited points of view.

I’m passionate about photography, and I believe that enthusiasm presents itself in my work.
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+44 7525 406 023

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